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Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Oracle 10g R2 Database - Part 3 of the series Informix to Oracle Connectivity by using the Oracle Gateway 11g for ODBC

This article is the last of the series "Informix to Oracle Connectivity by using the Oracle Gateway 11g for ODBC". This last part is very easy and we will fetch the data from informix into Oracle and will see that all the configurations which was done is working properly.

1- Install the Oracle 10g R2 (
2- Path Oracle 10g R2 ( to For Sun Sparc 64 bit platform, we need to down load the patch
3- After applying the patch, now we need to change the tnsnames.ora file of Oracle 10g R2 ( database and need to add the following entry.


4- we can test this tns entry by tnsping, following is the successfull test.

bash-2.05$ tnsping DG4ODBC

TNS Ping Utility for Solaris: Version - Production on 30-DEC-2009 16:26:41

Copyright (c) 1997, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Used parameter files:

Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=oragateway_host)(PORT=1522)) (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=DG4ODBC)) (HS=OK))
OK (0 msec)

5- Now we can open the SQL session and fetch the data from the informix database.
SQL> select * from "emp"@dg4odbc;
first_na last_name emp_id hire_date salary dept exempt interests-------- ---------- ------ --------- ---------- ---- ---------- ----------Tyler Bennett E10297 32000 D101 1Tyler Bennett E10297 32000 D101 1John Rappl E21437 47000 D050 1George Woltman E00127 53500 D101 1Adam Smith E63535 18000 D202 0David McClellan E04242 41500 D101 1Rich Holcomb E01234 49500 D202 1Nathan Adams E41298 21900 D050 0Richard Potter E43128 15900 D101 0David Motsinger E27002 19250 D202 0Tim Sampair E03033 27000 D101 1
first_na last_name emp_id hire_date salary dept exempt interests-------- ---------- ------ --------- ---------- ---- ---------- ----------Kim Arlich E10001 57000 D190 1Timothy Grove E16398 29900 D190 1Tyler Bennett E10297 32000 D101 1Tyler Bennett E10297 32000 D101 1John Rappl E21437 47000 D050 1George Woltman E00127 53500 D101 1Adam Smith E63535 18000 D202 0David McClellan E04242 41500 D101 1Rich Holcomb E01234 49500 D202 1Nathan Adams E41298 21900 D050 0Richard Potter E43128 15900 D101 0
first_na last_name emp_id hire_date salary dept exempt interests-------- ---------- ------ --------- ---------- ---- ---------- ----------David Motsinger E27002 19250 D202 0Tim Sampair E03033 27000 D101 1Kim Arlich E10001 57000 D190 1Timothy Grove E16398 29900 D190 1
26 rows selected.

The important point is the table name is case sensitive and should be enclosed.

We have seen in these 3 articles how to fetch data from informix database into Oracle database, this was the testing, any one who wants to implement this into production needs to see the compatibility of the products.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Oracle Database Gateways 11g ( - Part 2 of the series Informix to Oracle Connectivity by using the Oracle Gateway 11g for ODBC"

This is the 2nd of the article of the series "Informix to Oracle Connectivity by using the Oracle Gateway 11g for ODBC"
In this post we will do the installation of Oracle Database Gateways 11g for ODBC and will configure the listener so it could talk to ODBC, which we had configured in the previous article.

Also we have to patch this Oracle Database Gateways 11g to We need to download the patch 6890831.
Installation of Oracle Database Gateways 11g (
Following are the images of install screen.

You need to select the option "Oralce Database Gateways for ODBC", I selected the option, but that is hidden in the following screen :)

After this installation, we need to apply the patch 6890831, and the version of Oracle Database Gateways 11g would be
Now after the installtion and patching, we have to configure the Oracle Database Gateways 11g for ODBC, the metalink document "How to Setup DG4ODBC on 64bit Unix OS (Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX) [ID 561033.1]" can be followed to do this configuration.
Following is the configuration details.
1- Environment variables:
Following are the environment variables which was set with respect to Oracle Database Gateways 11g for ODBC.
2- edit the file "initdg4odbc.ora" at the path $ORACLE_HOME/hs/admin, also after the change copy the file to $ORACLE_HOME
following is my initdg4odbc.ora
HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO = Informix HS_FDS_TRACE_LEVEL = DEBUG HS_FDS_SHAREABLE_NAME = /export/home/odbc1/odbc/Connect64forODBC60/lib/
## ODBC specific environment variables#set ODBCINI= /export/home/odbc1/odbc/Connect64forODBC60/odbc.ini
3- configure the listener for Oracle Database Gateways 11g. Following is the configurtaion of the listener.ora at the path $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin

4- configure the tnsnames.ora file, following is the confiugration details.
5- verify the listener with the tnspin command.

bash-2.05$ tnsping dg4odbc

TNS Ping Utility for Solaris: Version - Production on 25-NOV-2009 16:06:38

Copyright (c) 1997, 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Used parameter files:

Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=tabsmt04)(PORT=1522)) (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=DG4ODBC)) (HS=OK))
OK (10 msec)
Used parameter files:

Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=tabsmt04)(PORT=1522)) (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=DG4ODBC)) (HS=OK))
This shows the successfull connection, in the next article we will see to install and patch the Oracle 10g R2 database and will configure the Oracle 10g R2 database so we could fetch the data from Infomix database.

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Informix to Oracle Connectivity by using the Oracle Gateway 11g for ODBC


In this series of articles we will see how to fetch data from Informix database into Oracle Database.
There can be 2 methods to do this, or might be more :)

The use of Oracle Gateway 11g for Informix or Oracle Gateway 11g for ODBC, the first option requires the license from Oracle Support, and the second has no license requirement. But in second option we need to have a ODBC driver for Informix which is a licensed from the vendor.

Cook Book:

We would test the fetching of data from Informix database into Oracle database by the use of the second option, i.e. we would need the Oracle Gateway 11g for ODBC and offcourse we need the ODBC driver for Informix database, which can be downloadable freely for a trial.

We need the following software for this testing.

1- ODBC driver for Informix database
2- Oracle 10g R2 ( database (in which we will fetch the data from Informix database)
3- Oracle Gateway 11g for ODBC (
4- Informix database

In this article we will install the ODBC driver and connect this with the Informix database to check the connectivity with the Informix at ODBC level. This is most important step, as if it is successfull only then we can move forward to the next steps.

1- ODBC driver for Informix installation and configuration:


The ODBC driver can be downloaded from the site for a trial free of cost. We would downlad the evsol64.tar.Z, this is for the Sun Sparc 64 bit.

We have the Sun Sparc machine for the testing, so we downloaded the ODBC driver for Informix for 64 bit Sun Sparc version.

For the ODBC installation, it is better to create a OS user "odbc" user, which will own the ODBC binaries. The installation is simple and straightforward. And it will take around 300MB - 350MB approx.

The environment variable ODBC_HOME can be set to the installation directory, and the PATH environment variable also can be set for the ODBC binaries / executables.


After the installation, we need to configure the ODBC driver for Informix so it could connect to the Informix and can fetch data at the ODBC level.

For the configuration we need to edit the "odbc.ini" file, this is the only file which needs to be configured for the ODBC connectivity, and if once it is configured successfully then the rest would be very easy. Always remember this is the main core file for the connectivity of Informix database to Oracle Database.

If the file is checked, we can see that there are lot of sections inside this "odbc.ini" file, and every section has its own purpose.

First section in the odbc.ini file is [ODBC data sources], and it contains all the information regarding all the databases which can be configured with this ODBC driver. e.g. Infromix, Sybase, DB2, mySQL, Teradata, PostgreSQL, SqlServer, Greenplum etc

The second section is [ODBC] contains the installation directory, trace level, and trace file directory.

The remaining sections will contain the required information to connect to respective databases, and for this article we are concerned with the section [Informix].

We need to change the parameters related to the Informix server. Following parameters needs to be modified.

1- Database - The name of Informix database to connect
2- HostName - The machine name which hosts the Informix database
3- LogonID - Informix database userid
4- Password - Password for the Informix database userid
5- PortNumber - Informix database portnumber
6- ServerName - This can be found out from ONFONGI file and there is parameter DBSERVERNAME

After setting these parameters in the odbc.ini file, we need to test the configuration, whether it connects to the Informix database and fetches the records at ODBC level.

Testing the configuration:

For a testing it is better to create a test user on the Informix database. Once user created on Informix database, we need to create a test table and insert some records into the test table. In the ODBC installation directory there is "demo" directory, there are sql scripts for each database, we can use the script "empinformix.sql" script to create a test table. We used Sql Razor tool to connect to the Informix database with the test user and created the table emp and isnerted some records into this table.

The utiltiy "demoodbc" can be used to test the ODBC connectivity with Informix database.

the syntax of "demoodbc" is

$ demoodbc -uid username -pwd password Informix Database Source name (from the file odbc.ini)

We created the user as "test" on Informix database and password is abc12345 and the data source name is "Informix" in the odbc.ini file, now we can test the ODBC connection as follows...

$ demodbc -uid test -pwd abc12345 Informix

for this execution we needs to be in the directory "demo" inside the ODBC installation directory.

on the execution of the above statement we got the following error messages....

bash-2.05$ demoodbc -uid test -pwd abc12345 Informix
demoodbc DataDirect Technologies, Inc. ODBC Sample Application.
demoodbc: will connect to data source 'Informix' as user 'test/abcABC12!'.
SQLConnect: Failed...
MSG = [DataDirect][ODBC Informix Wire Protocol driver][Informix]Database not found or no system permission.

SQLConnect: Retrying Connect.
SQLConnect: Failed...
MSG = [DataDirect][ODBC Informix Wire Protocol driver][Informix]Database not found or no system permission.

SQLConnect: Retrying Connect.
SQLConnect: Failed...
MSG = [DataDirect][ODBC Informix Wire Protocol driver][Informix]Database not found or no system permission.

SQLConnect: Retrying Connect.
No connection could be established.


having seen the error message "carefully" we found that there is issue with the database name, when we checked the [Informix] section of the odbc.ini file, we found that the value for parameter "Database" is incorrect, on correction and re-execution of the "demoodbc" we got the following messages....

demoodbc DataDirect Technologies, Inc. ODBC Sample Application.
demoodbc: will connect to data source 'Informix' as user 'test/abcABC12!'.
SQLConnect: Failed...
MSG = [DataDirect][ODBC Informix Wire Protocol driver][Informix]INFORMIXSERVER does not match either DBSERVERNAME or DBSERVERALIASES.

SQLConnect: Retrying Connect.
SQLConnect: Failed...
MSG = [DataDirect][ODBC Informix Wire Protocol driver][Informix]INFORMIXSERVER does not match either DBSERVERNAME or DBSERVERALIASES.

SQLConnect: Retrying Connect.
SQLConnect: Failed...
MSG = [DataDirect][ODBC Informix Wire Protocol driver][Informix]INFORMIXSERVER does not match either DBSERVERNAME or DBSERVERALIASES.

SQLConnect: Retrying Connect.
No connection could be established.

having seen the error messages, we corrected the Servername parameter value in the odbc.ini file, we got the correct value from the ONFONFIG file from the Informix database machine. after correcting this value and again executing the "demoodbc" , it was successfull with the following messages :)


bash-2.05$ demoodbc -uid test -pwd abc12345 Informix
demoodbc DataDirect Technologies, Inc. ODBC Sample Application.
demoodbc: will connect to data source 'Informix' as user 'test/abcABC12!'.

First Name Last Name Hire Date Salary Dept
---------- --------- --------- ------ ----
Tyler Bennett 32000 D101
Tyler Bennett 32000 D101
John Rappl 47000 D050
George Woltman 53500 D101
Adam Smith 18000 D202
David McClellan 41500 D101
Rich Holcomb 49500 D202
Nathan Adams 21900 D050
Richard Potter 15900 D101
David Motsinger 19250 D202
Tim Sampair 27000 D101
Kim Arlich 57000 D190
Timothy Grove 29900 D190
Tyler Bennett 32000 D101
Tyler Bennett 32000 D101
John Rappl 47000 D050
George Woltman 53500 D101

In the next article we will move forward with installation, configuration and testing of Oracle Database Gateways 11g and patching to, and then installation of the Oracle 10g R2, patching to

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Passed Oracle 11i APPS DBA OCP Exam

I wanted to share a good news with you all, that I passed the Oracle 11i APPS DBA OCP Exam.

The exam was easy, but it took lot of time to prepare the exam, as there were 30 chapters in the course contents.

I have preapred some tips for myself, I will post them soon.

have a nice day.

Monday, 7 September 2009

kcrrwkx: nothing to do (end)

We got the following error message in one of the trace file in our background dump dest of Oracle 10g R2 ( database.

kcrrwkx: nothing to do (end)

Troubleshooting and Resolution:
On searching of different forums and metalink, we found the note number: 372364.1, and according to the note, the message is safely ignored, and the only impact would be the size of the trace file, which needs to be purged manually or with cron job. The fix of this bug is in Oracle 11g or Oralce R2

Thursday, 27 August 2009

WARNING! Recovering data file 1 from a fuzzy file. If not the current file


We use EMC BCV feature to clone our production database, and it was all working fine, but suddenly we started getting the errors , on recovery process. Following were the errors..

"WARNING! Recovering data file 1 from a fuzzy file. If not the current fileit might be an online backup taken without entering the begin backup command."

Troubleshooting and Resolution:

It was very interesting situation, as the same process which we were following was not working suddenly, our team tried the same procedure twice and every time they got the errors on recovery process. And we were following the below BCV cloning procedure.

Steps for cloning by use of BCV:

1- put the production database in backup mode.

2- sync the BCV volumes.

3- split the BCV volumes.

4- take the production database out of backup mode.

5- start the recovery on the cloned database.

6- open the database after successfull recovery.

We tried twice with the same proceudre but we were getting following errors..
ALTER DATABASE RECOVER database using backup controlfile until cancel
Wed Aug 6 13:03:00 2009
Media Recovery Start
WARNING! Recovering data file 1 from a fuzzy file. If not the current file
it might be an online backup taken without entering the begin backup command.
WARNING! Recovering data file 2 from a fuzzy file. If not the current file
it might be an online backup taken without entering the begin backup command.
WARNING! Recovering data file 3 from a fuzzy file. If not the current file
it might be an online backup taken without entering the begin backup command.
WARNING! Recovering data file 4 from a fuzzy file. If not the current file
it might be an online backup taken without entering the begin backup command.
WARNING! Recovering data file 5 from a fuzzy file. If not the current file
it might be an online backup taken without entering the begin backup command.

and we opend the cases with Oracle and EMC, but the error was showing some thing not correct with some of the procedure, either the production database didnt go properly in the backup mode, but when we checked the alert log, the database went to backup mode correctly, and it came out of the backup mode properly. Having seen the alert log, we suspected that something went wrong with BCV etc. But we were not sure, as we didnt get any error messages during the BCV sync and split.

Then we decided to give a one more try with the same procedure, and when we checked the team, they were not following the listed procedure, as they were doing split of the BCV after taking the database out of backup mode, whereas they should have done the split before the database taken out of backup mode. When we followed the same listed procedure, every thing was ok, and we were able to do successfull recovery of the database and able to open the database. :)

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Oracle APPS related documents

Oracle APPS related documents
I found the following document list from metalink note # 828157.1, this is complete Oracle APPS library which surely is very useful for every APPS professional.

And here are the document list, which is an asset for every APPS professional.

Document List

Note 418664.1 Overview of Using Java with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
Note 455492.1 Using Latest Update of Java 6.0 with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
Note 384249.1 Using Latest Update of JDK 5.0 with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12

Note 300482.1 Overview of Using Java with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i
Note 401561.1 Using J2SE Version 6 with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i
Note 304099.1 Using J2SE Version 5.0 with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i, Release 11.5.10
Note 246105.1 Upgrading to J2SE 1.4.2 with Oracle Applications 11i
Note 130091.1 Upgrading Oracle Applications 11i to use JDK 1.3

Note 389422.1 Recommended Browsers for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
Note 393931.1 Deploying Sun JRE (Native Plug-in) for Windows Clients in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12

Note 285218.1 Recommended Browsers for Oracle Applications 11i
Note 290807.1 Deploying Sun JRE (Native Plug-in) for Windows Clients in Oracle E-Business Suite 11i
Note 124606.1 Upgrading JInitiator with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i

Note 437878.1 Upgrading OracleAS 10g Forms and Reports in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
Note 750359.1 Upgrading to Previous Version of OracleAS 10g Forms and Reports in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
Note 384241.1 Using Forms Socket Mode with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
Note 438652.1 R12 Forms Runtime Diagnostics (FRD), Tracing And Logging For Forms In Oracle Applications

Note 125767.1 Upgrading Developer 6i with Oracle Applications 11i
Note 232313.1 Information on Previous Versions of Developer 6i Patchsets
Note 150168.1 Obtaining Forms Runtime Diagnostics (FRD) In Oracle Applications 11i
Note 760250.1 Diagnosing Forms Mouse Focus Problems Using JRE in Release 11i

Note 454811.1 Upgrading to the Latest OracleAS 10g 10.1.3.x Patch Set in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
Note 743518.1 Starting up AS10g services in an EBusiness Suite Release 12 environment

Note 557194.1 monitor_jdbc_conn.sql - Script to monitor JDBC connections in Apps eBusiness Suite

Note 362851.1 Guidelines to setup the JVM in Apps Ebusiness Suite 11i and R12
Note 567551.1 Configuring various JVM tuning parameters for Oracle E-Business suite 11i and R12
Note 370583.1 Basic troubleshooting of JVM consuming cpu or too many JDBC connections in Apps 11i

Note 230688.1 11i Basic Apache/mod_jserv Troubleshooting with Hello.class

Note 422419.1 R12 - How To Enable and Collect Debug for HTTP, OC4J and OPMN
Note 443671.1 R12 - Collecting Configuration Information for HTTP, OC4J and OPMN
Note 427848.1 How to Enable Execution Context ID (ECID) in the R12 access_log
Note 455154.1 R12: How To Obtain A Thread Dump When OC4J is shutdown

Note 603390.1 How To Create a User Event Trace in R11i / R12

OA Framework
Note 391554.1 Oracle Application Framework Documentation Resources, Release 12

Note 275880.1 Oracle Application Framework Release 11i Documentation Road Map
Note 275875.1 Oracle Application Framework Troubleshooting Release 11i (11.5.10)
Note 357597.1 How To Generate A SQL Trace In OA Framework For Oracle Applications

Note 380486.1 Installing and Configuring Web Cache 10g and Oracle E-Business Suite 12
Note 306653.1 Installing and Configuring Web Cache 10.1.2 and Oracle E-Business Suite 11i

Note 330236.1 Configuring JDeveloper For Use With Oracle Applications 11i and R12
Note 357218.1 Troubleshooting JDeveloper setup for Oracle Applications
Note 787209.1 How to find the correct version of JDeveloper to use with eBusiness Suite 11i or Release 12

Note 244040.1 bde_last_analyzed.sql - Verifies CBO Statistics
Note 74605.1 bde_chk_cbo.sql - Reports Database Initialization Parameters related to an Apps 12 or 11i instance
Note 396009.1 Database Initialization Parameters for Oracle Applications Release 12
Note 216205.1 Database Initialization Parameters for Oracle Applications 11i
Note 744143.1 Tuning performance on eBusiness suite
Note 169935.1 Troubleshooting Oracle Applications Performance Issues
Note 244040.1 Oracle E-Business Suite Recommended Performance Patches

Note 738923.1 Oracle E-Business Suite Releases 11i and 12 Critical Patch Update note (January 2009)
Note 403537.1 Best Practices for Securing Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
Note 189367.1 Best Practices for Securing the E-Business Suite Release 11i

Note 740834.1 R12: Troubleshooting iHelp

Advanced Configurations
Note 380483.1 Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 Additional Configuration and Deployment Options
Note 217368.1 Advanced Configurations and Topologies for Enterprise Deployments of E-Business Suite 11i
Note 233428.1 Sharing the Application Tier File System in Oracle Applications 11i
Note 233436.1 Installing Oracle Application Server 10g with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i
Note 364439.1 Tips and Queries for Troubleshooting Advanced Topologies

Note 380490.1 Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Configuration in a DMZ
Note 726953.1 Case History: Implementing a Reverse Proxy Alone in the DMZ Configuration - R12
Note 287176.1 DMZ Configuration with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i
Note 438744.1 Case History: Implementing a Reverse Proxy Alone in a DMZ Configuration - 11i
Note 460564.1 Hints and Tips for Troubleshooting the URL Firewal

Note 380489.1 Using Load-Balancers with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
Note 727171.1 Implementing Load Balancing On Oracle E-Business Suite - Documentation For Specific Load Balancer Hardware
Note 601694.1 How To Check Session Persistence On BigIP F5 And Cisco Ace Load Balancer Appliances
Note 603325.1 Using Cisco ACE Series Application Control Engine with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12

Note 376700.1 Using SSL with Oracle E-Business Suit Release 12
Note 123718.1 11i A Guide to Understanding and Implementing SSL for Oracle Applications

Note 305918.1 Using Oracle Portal 10g with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i

Note 376811.1 Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 with 10g AS Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle Single Sign-On

Note 261914.1 Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i with Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle Single Sign-On
Note 444573.1 Basic checks for user integration when using Oracle E-Business Suite 11i with Oracle AS 10g

Note 557221.1 Oracle WebCenter 10g Application Creation and Deployment Guide for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12

Secure Enterprise Search
Note 566097.1 Oracle E-Business Suite Secure Enterprise Search Release Notes, Release 12.1.1
Note 744820.1 Oracle E-Business Suite Secure Enterprise Search Best Practices, Release 12
Note 462377.1 Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Secure Enterprise Search, Release 12
Note 740499.1 Oracle E-Business Suite Secure Enterprise Search Release Notes, Release 12.0.6
Note 726239.1 Oracle E-Business Suite Secure Enterprise Search Troubleshooting Guidelines, Release 12

Note 556540.1 Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway, Release 12.1
Note 726414.1 Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Troubleshooting Guide, Release 12
Note 755067.1 Using Oracle BPEL 10g with E-Business Suite Release 12.1.1
Note 755069.1 EBS R12 Packager and Adapters for External Application Servers
Note 782455.1 How Can I Expose E-Business Suite Integration Interfaces as Web Services in Release 11i and R12.0

Note 782162.1 MWA Troubleshooting Tips for Release 12
Note 269991.1 MWA Troubleshooting Tips for Release 11i

Note 363827.1 Rebaselined Oracle Applications Technology Components for Releases 11.5.7, 11.5.8, 11.5.9, and 11.5.10

Note 417692.1 Installing, Configuring and Troubleshooting Web ADI (Web Applications Desktop Integrator)
Note 452452.1 R12 Installing, Configuring and Toubleshooting Web ADI (Web Applications Desktop Integrator)
Note 294739.1 How to enable tracing for WEBADI
Note 726989.1 List of Patches in Web Applications Desktop Integrator (Web ADI) for Releases 11i and 12

Note 167000.1 E-Business Suite Diagnostics Installation Guide
Note 421245.1 E-Business Suite Diagnostics References for R12
Note 179661.1 E-Business Suite Diagnostics 11i Test Catalog

Note 761564.1 Oracle Applications Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.1.1) for Linux x86
Note 402310.1 Oracle Applications Installation and Upgrade notes Release 12 (12.0) for Linux (32-bit)
Note 406982.1 Cloning Oracle Applications Release 12 with Rapid Clone
Note 559518.1 Cloning Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 RAC-Enabled Systems with Rapid Clone

Note 421409.1 Unbreakable Linux enviroment check before R12 install
Note 458533.1 How to Enable Enterprise Manager on the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
Note 603716.1 Using AS10g AS Control with eBusiness Suite Rel 12
Note 452120.1 How to locate the log files and troubleshoot RapidWiz for R12
Note 316806.1 Oracle Applications Installation Update notes, Release 11i (
Note 230672.1 Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone

Note 207296.1 How to Find out Linux Version Information?

Note 454750.1 Oracle Apps Release 12 with Oracle Database 10.2.0 interoperability notes
Note 735276.1 Interoperability notes E-Business Suite R12 with Oracle Database 11gR1
Note 388577.1 Configuring Oracle Applications Release 12 with 10g R2 RAC
Note 466649.1 Using Oracle 11g Release 1 Real Application Clusters and Automatic Storage Management with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12

Note 216550.1 Oracle Applications Release 11i with Oracle9i Release 2 (9.2.0)
Note 362203.1 Oracle Applications Release 11i with Oracle 10g Release 2 (10.2.0)
Note 452783.1 Oracle Applications Release 11i with Oracle 11g Release 1 (11.1.0)
Note 362135.1 Configuring Oracle Applications Release 11i with 10g R2 RAC and ASM

Note 554539.1 Using Database Partitioning with Oracle E-Business Suite

Saturday, 22 August 2009

Oracle APPS 12i Best Practices

Oracle APPS 12i Best Practices

I wanted to share a very nice document on Oracle Metalink, it is a MUST READ for every Oracle APPS professional.... so here you go....

Subject: Best Practices for Adopting Oracle E-Business Suite, Release 12
Doc Id: 580299.1

Saturday, 15 August 2009

Report Server issue in Oracle 9i Application Server R2 .....

This post is related to describe the Report server issue with Oracle 9i AS R2. For this release of Application Server, the X Server is mandatory to run the report server. If there is any issue with the X Server then the Report Server will not work and users would be waiting to print their reprots.

Troubleshooting and Resolution:
We faced interesting issue with our reprot server for Oracle 9i AS R2. And following is procedure by which we successfully resolved the report server issues.

--> Report Server was not coming up, and the error message was following.

REP-50001: Server is initializing

We waited a lot, but it was showing "REP-50001: Server is initializing", the command to run the report server was not throwing the following error after some time:

REP-56097: Engine rwEng-0 callback timeout

We used following command to run the report server:

./ server=rep_testserver4

and it was throwing error REP-56097, even we created different report server with different names, but the behavior was same, it was always throwing REP-50001, REP-56097.

Also we gathered the traces, but no clue was there, also X Server was working fine, in our case we were using vnc X Server. We raised a SR with Oracle Support, and they did many testings with the report server, but nothing worked.

And suddenly what we did we tried to check the X Server from vnc viewer and the report server windows was displayed as soon as we got the X Server console, and when we executed the reports it was all working. So the clue was we had to open the vnc X server console once to get the reports windows, and every thing was working fine. And later we closesd that vnc X Server window, and even then the reports were working all fine.

In Oracle 10g AS R2, there is no requirement for X Server for reports server. We would be migrating our Oracle 9i AS R2 to Oracle 10g AS R2 soon.

Monday, 10 August 2009

How to apply patch in Oracle Financials 11i

The following document shows how to apply patch in Oracle Financials 11i with multi node isntallation.

Steps to apply patch:
These steps assuems that Oralce Financials 11i is installed on 2 nodes. Following are the details.

node1 : Concurrent Manager and Database
node2: Forms and Webserver

Patch is always applied on the recommendations of Oracle support, and norally they fix some bugs or they enhance some functionality.

The patch can contain the driver files, they can be either "copy", "database" and "generate" driver files. Or they can be in "unified" driver files.

Following steps show how to apply the patch which contains "c", "d" and "g" driver files.

1- Copy the patch on each node.
2- Shutdown all the services on Application tiere, only the database and listener should remain up and running.
3- Enable the maintenance mode by using "adadmin" tool.
4- Start the "adpatch" utility to apply the patch in the following order.
a- run the copy (c.drv) on every APPL_TOP of every node.
b- run the database driver (d.drv) from administration node.
c- run the generate (g.drv) on every APPL_TOP of Application nodes.
5- Disable the maintenance mode.
6- Restart the services.
7- Check the Applications by running one request.

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Oracle Replication Broken jobs and how to fix them...


This article is related to Replication broken jobs. It will demonstrate how to build the broken jobs automatically and logging of the information. The auto build of the broken job is a great thing, which should be implemented for every replication setup. If there are many replication setups, then it can give the real benefit. And the DBA / Replication Administrator can see the logs to have an idea of the broken jobs. This article concentrates on the Multi Master Advanced Replication setup.


Replication makes the data available on more than one location. It offers redundancy at the database level. Replication works over long distances and WANS. It provides a copy of the database at other location. Some of the reasons to go for Replication are Availability, performance, disconnected computing, network load reduction,

The Replication is a complex environment, and it is difficult to maintain, because of its complexity. Normally the data which transfers from one database to another database can be out (no sync) with the original copy, the problem can be because of the broken jobs. In Multi Master Advanced Replication the data is pushed with the help of job queue. If the connectivity between the Replicated Databases becomes broken, then the job will try to push the data 16 times. And after 16 times the status of that particular job will be marked as “Y”, which means that job has broken. Now the transactions will start getting queued till the job is build again. The longer the time between making the broken job, the longer the queue, with transactions. So if the transactions start getting stuck, the data will not reach to the destination, and both the copies will start to become out of sync. Now imagine if there are many Replication setups, the network connectivity problem may arise any time, and no DBA / Replication Administrator can monitor the Replication setups all the times.


The steps mentioned here should be run on the Test Replication Setup first.

The broken jobs can be made either manual which is truly painful. (Only those can imagine who are handling the Replication Setups). The other option is to make the broken jobs automatically. In this section we will demonstrate how we can build the broken jobs automatically.


1- Login to the Database

Log in to the Test Database with the REPADMIN User.

1- Build the Log Table.

The log table can be used to log every make of the broken job. So after some time, the DBA or Replication Administrator can see the log tables, and can get an idea how frequently the jobs are breaking.

Name Null? Type

---------------------------- -------- ------------





2- Build the procedure to make the Broken Jobs

This procedure will check the broken job, and if there is any broken job, it will make it and will log the information as well.




/* Procedure to make the broken jobs in replication

This procedure will check the broekn jobs and if any

job is broken, then it will make them again


cursor test_broken_jobs is

select job,broken,failures

from dba_jobs

where upper(what) like '%DBMS_DEFER_SYS%' and broken='Y';

err_num number;

err_msg varchar2(150);


for broken_job in test_broken_jobs



/* dbms_job.broken(broken_job.job,FALSE,SYSDATE+10/86400); */

insert into broken_jobs values (broken_job.job,broken_job.broken,

broken_job.failures,to_char(sysdate,'dd mon yyyy hh24:mi,ss'));


/*; */



err_num := SQLCODE;

err_msg := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 100);

INSERT INTO job_errors VALUES (err_num,

err_msg,to_char(sysdate,'dd mon yyyy hh24:mi,ss'));



end loop;


3- Submit the job in the Database.

The UNBREAK_JOBS_TEST can be submitting with the help of DBMS_JOB to make it auto run.

SQL> variable jobno number;

SQL> begin





The job will run after each 90 seconds i.e. 3 minutes, this can be set to the particular requirement of the Replication Setup.

4- Test the UNBREAK_JOBS_TEST procedure.

Now the replication job can be broken by use of DBMS_JOB.BROKEN(JOB_NUMBER,TRUE);

Its broken status can be checked by the SQL statement:

SQL> select job,broken,failures

from dba_jobs

where upper(what) like '%DBMS_DEFER_SYS%'


And after wait of 90 seconds, again run the query the above job should be made by that UNBREAK_JOBS_TEST procedure.


By testing this thoroughly, this can be implemented on the Production Replication setups. It can make the life of DBA and Replication Administrators easy.

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